Carrying the Torch

April 6, 2020

I took time on a Sunday evening to: just tell you who I am; to extend a hand and three minutes of constructive thoughts on COVID; and to tell you what we learned from episodes 1-10 along with my approach to releasing future content. 

We're carrying the torch for conservation, for Alaskan-esque adventure, and for leading people to love the outdoors. I promise to be objective, educated, fun, honest. I promise to respect your time. 

I forgot to mention in this essay that I acknowledge I'm from Minnesota. Sometimes I talk funny and often I say, "Ya Know?" too much. We don't even realize we're doing it...

*Of note: You won't find the term "Fort-Saturated" on wikipedia and my dog wasn't that little. He was a 90 pound german wirehair who stunk like a dog. But I loved him and let him lick my face every time I came home to him. 

Native Prairie land burning season is upon us...give me a call if you need help!

Contact me through Facebook or Instagram: @AlaskanOdysseys