Contributing Hobos
JT Morgan
JT retired as a First Sergeant after 25 years of service. He and his wife are raising a weimeraner and a young daughter. He's pictured in the photo with a ram that was 25 years in the making. He is also the strongest member of the team when it comes to cooking and smoking meat. When it's not hunting season, you'll find him playing golf and selling real estate for Hedgcock Group.
Brett Evans
Brett Evans can be credited with coining the term "Alpine Hobo". After a couple deployments as a Chief Warrant Officer flying Blackhawks, he returned to Alaska to start a family with his wife. He now had two kids and a bustling real estate agency. - Hedgecock Group.
Brian Stolz
Brian Stoltz is often the muscle of our stupid ideas. He has risen to the challenge of hauling too much meat and gear on numerous occasions. His Uncle Mike brought him to Alaska numerous times growing up but it was ultimately his career as a military officer that allowed him to move here. After graduating from West Point, he came to Alaska as a second Lieutenant. He too met the love of his life while in Alaska, a cute gal who was raised in the Alaskan Bush by parents who served as teachers in Alaska's isolated villages. When Claire finished Medical School, she and Brian moved to Fairbanks to start their family. They are now raising two young dudes and two dogs. Someday, ask him about his wall of "Barely Legals".
You'll see these three gentleman pretty routinely across our adventures as they are the team that round out the Alpine Hobos. All of them are retired military and all met while stationed in Alaska. When their days of service were over, they moved their families back to Alaska to resume the life of adventure they had found and knew they needed. Pictured Left to right: Brian Stoltz, Steve Opat, JT Morgan, Brett Evens.
Matt Wetterling and luke cruze
Matt and Steve with a Mule deer buck harvested in 2018 from their North Dakota stomping grounds.
Matt and Steve have been hunting partners since their freshmen year of college. In October of that year, they took a fateful trip from their dorms in Fargo, ND to the badlands of western North Dakota. They were reborn during that trip and their life trajectory changed. They were no longer Minnesota Whitetail treestand hunters. They were Western Game spotters and stalkers; soon to become Alpine Hobos. Matt and Steve visited the badlands every weekend they could escape - whenever Matt's collegiate wrestling schedule would allow.
As Matt's closest friend since childhood, Luke Cruze was soon a regular to these badlands trips. As we all aged, the trips ventured to further and more higher places but the allure of the badlands never ended and we all convene there routinely at "El Deer Camp".
Luke continues to live in his hometown of Wilmar Minnesota where he and his wife are raising two wild young boys. His relentless pursuit of animals there has produced some whitetails that are exceptional for what the area typically produces. His love and knack for photography and videography has earned him a role as a Sitka Athlete. Follow him on instagram @LukeCruze
Matt is also raising a family with two young kids. He and his wife live in Fargo, ND. A man of natural talents, Matt has grown himself into a true artist as a bowyer. Twisted River longbows is now a growing side business. Check out these videos of Matt Harvesting some animals with his custom bows.
Luke Cruze and his 2018 Minnesota buck. Taken on the last night of shotgun season. It's an old troll of a western Minnesota Whitetail.